Spare parts

Quality for sustainability

For over 30 years now we have been developing and manufacturing innovative machines in Switzerland to make the day-to-day tasks carried out by many farmers easier. When doing so, we focus on premium Swiss quality, the best design, safety and service. This has allowed Gafner to deliver more than 10 000 spreaders over the years.

Spare part and delivery guarantee
Thanks to the long service lives of our machines it may become necessary to replace the wear-and-tear parts. The required spare parts are manufactured by us in our own factory. This guarantees that they too will have long service lives and that your spreader will continue to provide a perfect spreading pattern.

Our Service

  • High-quality wear-and-tear parts with long service lives
  • Large spare parts warehouse
  • Spare part guarantee, even for the oldest models
  • In-house research and manufacturing departments
  • Order from stock today, receive your part tomorrow

Gafner Maschinenbau AG
Chefiholzstrasse 1
CH-8637 Laupen-Wald

Call us on 055 246 34 15 or email us at Mail